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Parental Solutions

  • Human Intravenous Solutions
  •  Veterinary Intravenous Solutions

Human Intravenous Solutions

PURASAL S, the sodium salt of natural L(+)-lactic acid, is used as an electrolyte in parental/I.V. solutions intended for fluid or electrolyte replenishment, such as Lactated Ringer's or Hartmann's solutions.

GLUCONAL CA, the calcium salt of natural gluconic acid, is used as calcium source in parenteral/I.V. solutions intended for calcium replenishment. It is also used in calcium gluconate injectable ampoules, intended for treatment of acute calcium deficiency.

GLUCONAL CADS, the calcium salt of D-saccharic acid can help stabilize supersaturated calcium gluconate solutions.
[ More info: FOCUS; Pharmaceutical special ]

Veterinary Intravenous Solutions

GLUCONAL CA, the calcium salt of natural gluconic acid, is used in several formulations of injectable solutions which are highly concentrated in calcium. The solutions are meant for the treatment of milk fever disease in cows.

GLUCONAL CAMB, calcium borogluconate, enables stable solution with high calcium concentrations, and is allowed to be applied in veterinary I.V. solutions.
[ More info: FOCUS; Pharmaceutical special ]

PURAC holds a Certificate of suitability to the EP for GLUCONAL S/PF and GLUCONAL CA.